Sister Carly M Springer
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avenida Santisima Trinidad No 1280 C/Julio Correa
Casilla De Correo 1871
Asuncion, Paraguay

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week #....Um...Okay, no, just a random update.

Hey everyone!

So I've been receiving lots of complaints about how I never write to you anymore. Sorry about that. Life just isn't as cool as it used to be in Paraguay. But I guess you won't be satisfied until I SHOW you how boring my life is by writing to you again.  And since I'm too lazy to look up all your e-mail addresses, I'm doing this facebook-style. 

The adjustment to life back at home has been relatively smooth. It's so great to be with my family again. Mom and I have had lots of quality one-on-one time. I think she's gonna miss me. My sisters have grown up so much and it's been fun getting to know them all over again. 

My dogs were really excited to see me, since I meant a return to regular walks. They're gonna miss that, and so will I, since it's my best way to make myself get up and exercise every day. 

I've mostly been filling my days with little projects, like cleaning out old storage boxes full of my junk and working on putting together a scrapbook... Stuff like that. This last week I've been getting progressively lazier, watching TV and reading books as if this is my last week to live. Because I can't watch TV or read at the Y. I really need to focus once I go back to school. 

Which...is on Tuesday. Can you believe it's already been a whole month since I came back to the States? It's gone by way too fast. Already time for another big step in my life. *Sigh* Can I just take some little steps now? I feel like such a hobo. I'm "home" in AZ, but I don't even have my own bed. And then I'm going to LIVE in Utah, but that won't really be HOME. I need some stability, here. 

For anyone who's curious, I decided to rearrange my college plans a little and major in English Language instead of just plain English. Which basically means that I'm studying basically the same thing, but in a more practical way. I'm aiming to be an editor, not a schoolteacher, which is all the English major was really offering me.

My homecoming talks went well. I had two. I gave one in the Spanish branch (which was AWESOME. It felt a lot like being back in Paraguay. And then I just gave another one today, which I was super nervous for beforehand. Once I stepped up to the pulpit, though, it all just flowed so easily. I've definitely gained some public speaking skills this last year and a half.

I'm working really hard to keep up my good habits of daily scripture study and prayer. So far I haven't missed a day. Yay! I thought it would be so much easier with a no-schedule day to study the scriptures, but I'm excited to be busy again back at school. I like having a real schedule. 

I'm regularly hearing from Hna. Goimarac. Another member of the Meza family recently got baptized, which made me super happy (no, it wasn't Juan Angel, but still). Oh dang, did I even confirm to you all that the Mezas were baptized as planned? It took me forever to find out. Sorry if I didn't tell you. Now you know!  It makes me happy to hear how some of my hard-sown seeds are starting to sprout in my wake. 

Someday I need to go back to Paraguay. I can't wait to see how things are progressing. In the meantime, my new goals are graduating and getting married. That latter one is going to be a complete surprise. I'm basically starting over with all my acquaintances. I unfriended like half of my facebook friends (the ones I never talked to even when I lived by them and now I'll never contact again), and everyone else I know either got married or graduated and moved on while i was gone. So I'll let you know how it goes.

Know what? I just realized that getting you all updated weekly won't be so hard in the near future. I'll be living in your same state pretty soon! My poor parents and sisters and the Andersons will be out of the loop a bit, but the rest of us aren't going to have too hard of a time getting together! That'll be fun! Don't be surprised if I call you up. 

Well, that's all I can think of to write about right now. That's a whole month's worth of my life. Told you it was boring. But take care everyone, and thank you all for caring what happens to me. I LOVE YOU!!

Love, Hna. Spr---I mean, Carly

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